Sunshine is for Free

We turn it into electricity for

  • Rooftop PV

    Your Home

    Mantula Solar provides you with solutions, that are tailor-made to your needs and budget.

  • Solar Powered Businesses

    Your Business

    A continuous power supply is a necessity for all successful businesses. Wherever you work — a farm, a guest lodge, an office — make the sun shine for you!
  • Solar Powered Schools

    Your Town

    Modernize your municipality. You have more than enough sunshine, let it power schools, hospitals and cultural institutions. Give us a shout and we'll quote it right up.

Why should you go solar?

Climate Friendly
Renewable Power Source
Recyclable Materials
Local Power Generation
Energy Awareness


Are you sick and tired of load shedding? Turn your back once and for all on the pesky outages, by integrating a battery, which is standard equipment in our solutions.
Right now, energy production is in the hands of Eskom. Decentralizing your energy supply promotes competition and ensures price stability in the long term.
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Climate Friendly

Photovoltaic systems protect the climate!
Each square meter of photovoltaics reduces CO2 emissions by 300kg each year compared to electricity produced by Eskom.


It's true, the initial investment in photovoltaics is not low, but we have good news for you!
We collaborate with a german NGO, that subsidizes South African photovoltaics in order to compensate their own emissions. After installation, we support you in receiving this grant as part of our standard service.

Renewable Power Source

If we have one thing in abundance, it's sunshine. It's time to harness that free and never ending power to work for you.
Unlike fossil fuels, photovoltaic systems do not consume additional resources such as coal, gas or uranium.


The energy payback time of photovoltaic systems is less than 2 years.
This means, with a lifetime of up to 20 years, the solar power plant provides 10 times more energy than is needed to produce it.

Recyclable Materials

Silicon photovoltaic modules do not pollute the environment either during or after their use. They consist mainly of sand and exclusively of recyclable materials.

Local Power Generation

Photovoltaic systems either on buildings, or in their vicinity produce electricity where it is consumed, without transmission losses and additional land consumption for power lines.


Contrary to the common assumption, the the output of photovoltaic modules remains almost constant over the entire service life. The power decrease is far less than the manufacturer's 25 year warranty.

Energy Awareness

In South Africa, we know the importance of conserving our resources like water.
Your solar power plant will have a positive impact on your energy consumption awareness. This reduces your costs and protects the environment at the same time.

Is your home ready for solar?


To generate your own electricity, you will need an area, on which we can mount your panels. This can be the roof of your house, garage, or carport. Don't limit yourself to a roof though, get creative: How about shading that vegetable garden with an array of solar panels?

Roof Widget
Power Output:


You want your panels to see as much sunlight as possible, therefore the orientation of your panels is important. Check the impact of your roof's orientation here.


Shading has a large impact on the performance of solar power systems. This is due to the electrical interconnection of the panels: If one panel is shaded, the whole system suffers. We can mitigate the effect by assessing your site before the construction and take into account all trees, satellite dishes and potentially problematic roof configurations.

Sell your CO2 avoidance

Your solar system silently creates clean energy. In turn, less energy has to be generated by the coal-plants
→ Your system has avoided the emission of CO2

We help you monetize this avoidance, by getting you in contact with a german NGO, which subsidizes South African PV-Systems.

We reimburse you for up to 10% of your system cost!

Give us a call and we'll tell you all about it.

phone 065 700-3395

Three Steps to your Solar System

  1. You contact us via the button below.
  2. One of our specialist consultants visits you in your home to conduct a detailed site survey. He takes your ideas and requirements into account, plans your system together with you and prepares a turnkey photovoltaic proposal for you at a fixed price.
  3. You accept our proposal and we take care of all the details. A few weeks later, we install the system and you can finally stop caring about load shedding and produce your own solar power.